Preschool has been an adventure.
A wonderful, glorious, exhausting adventure.
In May, I finished up my 2nd full year.
That first group of little Glowworms graduated and are headed off to Kindergarten this fall.
There might have been tears.
2 weeks later, we had our first session of Kindergarten Boot Camp. We worked really hard on reading, math, and writing. And sight words. Yep, sight words.
I had introduced the game "FAST PLAY" with the ABCs the first part of the week, but was quickly informed that it was "too easy!" day after my kiddos went home, I whipped up the SIGHT WORDS edition - just the first 31 sight words.
We played with 6-8 words each day. I love how easy it is to grab only the words that need the most work and play a quick round or two of FAST PLAY. Each round takes less than 5 minutes. It's fun, it's fast. And it's effective!

You can grab SIGHT WORDS FAST PLAY at Teacher's Notebook or Teachers Pay Teachers! It's only $3 [but will be on sale through June 21st!] and covers those first 31 critical to reading words.
But the included directions aren't the only way you can play FAST PLAY!
You can shuffle the cards, keeping the whole stack in your hand. One card at a time, flip a card over onto the table. The first student to read the word correctly gets to add that card to his/her stack. The "winner" is the one with the most cards when you run out of cards in your "dealer" stack.
My little Fireflies absolutely LOVED both versions!
Thanks for stopping by!
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