I really disappeared there for a while, didn't I?!
I'm (hopefully) back now. Back with a brand new adventure. I took a leave of absence for the 2015-16 school year. I stayed home. I cooked. I
About February, I started thinking about school. Not school so much. Teaching. I started thinking about teaching. And I realized that as content and happy as I was staying home and being all of those things, I really missed teaching.
One morning I casually mentioned to Luke, "What would you think about me cleaning out my craft room and turning it into a preschool room?!" I swear he would have started hauling things out of that room right then if I would have let him!
I kind of let the idea marinate in my brain for a few weeks and then put a few feelers out on Facebook.
Our community has just about as many preschool teachers as it does photographers - A LOT! I wondered if I'd even be able to fill one class, let alone two. I was blown away by the response. Within days, both my Glowworms (3 year olds) and my Fireflies (4 year olds) classes were nearly full. My heart just about exploded.
I went before the city council and had my business license approved. I submitted my letter of resignation to the school district. And I started clearing out that craft room with the awesome red shag carpet.
My classes were completely filled early this summer. I was given desks and chairs and caps and gowns and stacks of paper.
And now, here we are. September 9th, 2016. Today my littles have their 3rd day of preschool. Yesterday my little littles had their 2nd. We've had a few hiccups. A few tears. A few sleepless nights. A little playdough. A little coloring. A little tracing. A little scissoring. A little story time. And a whole lot of wonderfulness.
This morning I was up early. Really early. I made stuff. Preschool stuff. It's so great to be back.
Guys!!! I am a PRESCHOOL teacher!!!
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