Thursday, March 29, 2012

[broken bonds] now on Teacher's Notebook

2 days till Spring Break.
2 days.

It's been kind of a rough week.
My littles are ex.haust.ed.
Truthfully, so am I.

We're still working on subtraction facts.
I know.

Our subtraction games are losing some of their appeal since we've been playing them for 2 months now.
We need something new.
{drumroll please. . .}
BROKEN BONDS using the stinkin' cute clip art from AI Factory!
The game format is nearly identical to Bunny Hop.
The exception is that the character cards cause you to move backwards. 

This will make it an independent practice game for my littles that understand and really just need the practice so I can reteach those that really still are struggling.
Yay for that.

The bonds are parts of ten, doubles, near doubles, and the "teens" facts (but with addends of 10 or less because that is the core).

This game is now available on Teacher's Notebook and is on sale through tomorrow for only $1.60!  If you didn't get a chance to download it free, it's still an incredibly affordable resource that your littles will LOVE!
Image is linked.
Happy Thursday!


  1. Oh, what fun! Most games don't have the number bonds, so those will be SO great! I will be sure to print this myself, pin it, and pass it on to my friends at another school that teach Math in Focus (because it's HUGE into number bonds!). Thanks so much for sharing.

    (And yes, that clipart is friggin' adorable!)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  2. Super cute! Thanks for sharing your hard work.

    Hello Mrs Sykes

  3. This is super cute! I've seen the "number bonds" in other activities before. I like the concept. Is that phrase a part of a particular math series? Thanks for the freebie!
    Tanya ☺
    First Grade is Fantabulous!

  4. This is so adorable!

    Thank you for all of the wonderful ideas and activities you share!

    Heather's Heart
