Friday, February 17, 2012

[SMASH!] the TENS for 10 more/10 less, 1 more/1 less

First off, I have to say THANK YOU for the comments of support and encouragement here on the bloggity-blog and in my e-mail inbox after my whiny post yesterday.
I'm happy to announce that after following the advice of a fellow blogger (I need to find and link that post!) - I changed my thinking.  Instead of looking at those littles with anger in my heart, I sent up a quick prayer, offered a smile (that was TOUGH!!) and a kind word (even TOUGHER!!!), and holy cow did that ever make a world of difference.
It was a great day.
I was exhausted.  E.X.H.A.U.S.T.E.D. from that extra effort.
Was it worth it?!
(And that's not even a BAZINGA! comment!! - Did you watch Big Bang Theory last night?!  Dang was that ever the funniest one I've seen in a while!!).
And on another note, lol. . .
This game works!
Today during learning stations, two of my littles that have been S-T-R-U-G-G-L-I-N-G with the whole concept of 10 more/10 less had a LIGHTBULB moment!  Seriously!  I saw the light come on and listened as they explained how to find the answer!!  OH.MY.WONDERFULNESS!!
Now there are a few others that need that lightbulb. . .
so we're backing up.
Just the tens.
And I changed the wording so that it says "10 more" instead of "10 greater."
A little thing.  But that's the language we use.  :)
I also changed the images so that the regular cards have one image only and the bonus cards have one image only.  Again, a little thing, but it makes it less visually confusing.
Or something like that.
You can download the TENS (with the gameboard and rules) by clicking on the image.
It's been fun to see how many teachers have needed/downloaded the original set of SMASH cards for 10 more/10 less, 1 more/1 less.
I hope you can use this!


  1. I know exactly what you mean by being EXHAUSTED from these firsties. My have been so chatty, disrespectful, tattling, unmotivated that we don't get anything done. We have a 4 day weekend after conferences this week. YEAH:)
    Sorry but can't click on the pic to get it to download.
    Thanks for all your games & insight. I will remember the prayers.

  2. Thanks for letting me know the link wasn't working! I've fixed it now. :)

    Enjoy your 4 day weekend! We get a 3 day-er, and man, am I ever grateful for that!! :)

  3. I'm glad to hear things got better. I hope you're able to have a restful weekend and recoup for next week.
    Thank you for the 10 more cards. This is a concept we've been working on with my son. He is really loving this game and my other kids have started playing it with him to help. :)

  4. Big Bang was soo good last night! The hubs and I couldn't stop laughing.

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade
