Thursday, April 21, 2011

{Super Speedy Sweets} Math Fact Practice with a Sweet twist

We recently brought back this class favorite for practicing math facts.
The kids LOVE this "game" (using the term very lightly, lol)!

1. Print enough practice sheets for the students in your class/group.
2. Use math facts that are slightly more difficult than usual. 

*I use a sheet with mixed addition and subtraction instead of just one operation for my first grade friends.*
*My high fliers are literally BEGGING for math fact sheets with some multiplication practice and some 2 digit addition/subtraction practice!!*

3. Set out a container of treats and the tongs (like for the Doubles Game).
4. Give each student a sheet and a pencil.
5. Students complete ONE ROW to 100% and then attempt to open a treat using the tongs.
6. Student turn ends when the next student reaches 100% on his/her row.
7. Continue until pages are complete or it's time for the next activity.

*I usually run these double sided so that the kids that are super fast can keep working!*

Seriously a class favorite!  :)


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